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Raytracing fractals with rayshade:
The file rayshade.4.0.6-fractals.tar contains additions and modifications to
the rayshade.4.0.6 distribution that will enable you to raytrace fractals, more
- fractal mountains ala [Musgrave et al, 1989]
- general random midpoint subdivision objects ala [Magnenat-Thalmann et al,
- 3D Iterated Function Systems ala [Barnsley, 1988]
- 3D Iterated Function Systems with condensation set
- 3D Hierarchical Iterated Function Systems
- Oppenheimer trees ala [Oppenheimer, 1986]
This code is tha result of two graduation theses at
the K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium during the academic year 1992-1993.
It is offered to anyone who'd like to use it on an as-is basis and
will probably not be supported by us in future. Use it as you like,
modify it as you like, but don't complain that it doesn't fit your
particular purposes. At least the example rayshade scripts in this
package have been tested and the code worked for these on a variety
of machines.
The rayshade.4.0.6-fractals.tar file unpacks in the rayshade.4.0.6
directory, as does rayshade.4.0.6.tar. 'cd' to rayshade.4.0 and
execute 'sh install-patches' and then, if you ran the Configure script
before, run Reconfigure, and if you didn't, execute that
one (Configure).
After making it, test your new rayshade on crazy.ray, ferns.ray,
fractalballs.ray, moon.ray, pyramids.ray, shirt.ray and/or tree.ray
in the Examples subdirectory of rayshade.4.0. I tested the patches
on various machines (IBM RS/6000, Sun 4, Dec 3100, IBM PC running Linux)
and had no problems on these. Anyway, I don't see anything too bizarre in
the code that might break any more or less standard C compiler too
Don't expect your computer to be ready soon: these are very
complicated objects and some of them require long preprocessing times.
Giving rayshade the -S1 and -D1 switches and/or reducing the screen size
will make it render quite a bit faster (with equally lower image quality).
Fractal object rayshade-format:
(parts between '...' are litteral, parts between [...] optional)
1) fractal mountains:
'mountain' [surface] x1 x2 y1 y2
z1 ... zn
- surface: a name for a rayshade surface description
- x1 x2 y1 y2: coordinates of the mountains base plane
- r: a random seed number
- H: for a fractal dimension D = 3-H, eg 0.8 for D=2.2 (looks nice)
- precalculation-level: the level to which the mountain has to be
precalculated, that is, worked out before starting the raytracing
itself. The higher this number, the faster the raytracing, but
the more memory is needed.
- max-calculation-level: to which recursion level the mountain has to be
calculated: precalculation-level <= max-calculation-level
- scale-factor: a scale factor to be applied to all random displacements
(controls the raggedness of the mountain)
- z1 ... zn: a square matrix of initial height values.
See rayshade.4.0/Example/mountain.ray for an example and [Musgrave et all,
1989] for details.
2) general random midpoint displacement objects:
'fractalobject' [surface] r dim max excentricity
'fpoints' x1 y1 z1 ... xn yn zn
'ftriangles' p11 p12 p13 ... pm1 pm2 pm3
'fentity' dx dy dz t1 ... tk
'fentity' dx dy dz t1 ... tk
- r: a random seed number
- dim: fractal dimension
- max: maximum length of a side of a triangle
- excentricity: scalefactor by which all random displacements are multiplied
- fpoints: followed by a list of triangle vertices
- ftriangle: followed by a list of triangles describing the object to
be deformed. each triangle is given by the indices of three
points in the list of vertices
- fentities: starts a list of subobject-descriptions. Dividing an object in
subobjects speeds up the rendering.
- fentity: starts the description of a subobject
- dx dy dz: in how many parts the bounding box of the subobject has to be
- t1 ... tk: a list of triangles (given by index in the triangle list) that
belong to this subobject.
More information can be found in [Magnenat-Thalmann et al, 1987]. crazy.ray
and shirt.ray are example scripts for this class of objects.
3) Iterated Function Systems
'ifs' [condensation-set','] [leaf','] IFS-transformations [options] 'end'
- condensation-set: for an IFS with condensation set or Oppenheimer tree: can
be any object that rayshade accepts for rendering (including another
IFS or Oppenheimer tree ...)
- leaf: for an Oppenheimer tree the condensation set describes the geometry
of a branch and this rayshade object describes the geometry for
a leaf. Can also be any object rayshade can render.
- IFS-transformations: IFS-transformation [','IFS-transformations]
- IFS-transformation: [priority] transformation
- priority: rang of the transformation in a hierarchical IFS
- transformation: a rayshade transformation or comsposition of transformations.
- options:
- 'normalweighting' {'highpass'|'lowpass'|'constant'}: controls
the way normals are constructed on the attractor of a
plain IFS or HIFS without condensation ala [Hart and
Defanti, 1991]. Just try it out.
- 'maxdepth' depth: to which level of recursion the attractor of
an IFS has to be worked out
- 'minsize' size: don't go subdividing objects that are smaller than
this size (also controls the recursion depth, but adaptively).
- 'bounding' {'box'|'sphere'}: use a box or a sphere as bounding
volume. The code tries to choose the best one by
comparing the average projected area of the smallest
possible box and sphere.
- 'list' filename: produce a list of volumes that will be
rendered in the file with given name. After some editing
this list can be used as input for rayshade for using
a grid for faster rendering (in some cases it is just much
faster to give rayshade a list of objects in a grid instead
of using the general ray-IFS intersection routines)
The implementation is based on [Hart and Defanti, 1991]. See
- pyramids.ray: for an example of a plain IFS
- fractalballs.ray: Eric haines' sphereflake is an IFS with condensation set
- ferns.ray: Barnsley's fern leaf is a hierarchical IFS
- tree.ray: simple example of an Oppenheimer tree
- [Barnsley, 1988] M. Barnsley, 'fractals everywhere', Academic Press inc.,
- [Hart and Defanti, 1991] J. C. Hart and Th. Defanti, 'Efficient antialiased
raytracing of 3D linear fractals', Computer Graphics, 25(4):91,
july 1991
- [Magnenat-Thalmann et al, 1987] N. Magnenat-Thalmann, L. Forest, M. Burges,
and D. Thalmann, 'A geometric study of parameters for recursive
midpoint subdivision', The Visual Computer, 3:145-151, 1987
- [Musgrave et al, 1988] F. K. Musgrave, C. E. Kolb(!), and R. S. Mace,
'The synthesis and rendering of eroded fractal terrains', Computer
Graphics, 23(3):41-50, 1989
- [Oppenheimer, 1986] P. E. Oppenheimer, 'real time desing and animation
of fractal plants and trees', Computer Graphics, 20(4):55-61, 1986
The fractal mountains and general random midpoint subdivision objects
were done by Peter Janssen, the IFS objects by Philippe Bekaert, in
the computer graphics research group of the dpt. of computer science
of the K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Send e-mail to
for questions, bug-reports, comments ... although we do not intend to really
support this code in future, as stated before.